Palia House
A scenic cottage in the mountains, and home to Lily. For her whole life, she's been hoping that Richard would notice her... Has the time finally come?
Bonus Content!
I wrote an article about this piece!
"80 LEVEL" is an industry-leading platform for game developers, digital artists, animators, video game enthusiasts, CGI and VFX specialists.. I was given the opportunity to write a breakdown article on their blog, detailing my process for this piece. For a more in-depth explanation about "Palia House", check out my article below.

The Concept
"Palia House" is based on a concept by Etienne Hebinger on Artstation.
I am responsible for all aspects of the scene, except for the grooming, which was done by Alena Mealy. Additionally, the clothing for the two characters was modeled by David Eisenstadt, but textured by me. This scene was a lot of fun to work on, but it also presented its own challenges. It was a great experience to model and texture such a dreamy house, using techniques such as VRayMultiSubtex to make each roof tile a slightly different hue and value procedurally.
The clouds were made in Houdini, and the background mountain was made in Maya using Mash to scatter many trees on a rough mountain surface. They were later comped into the main render of the house scene.
The Breakdown

Software Used:
Adobe Substance 3D Painter
Adobe Photoshop
Quixel Megascans
MASH (Maya plugin)
Marvelous Designer